Mysterious soccer ball-sized chunk of ice falls from the sky

21/ 08/ 2019 a las 6:46 | Publicado en Casuística, Hielo del fuselaje | Comentarios desactivados en Mysterious soccer ball-sized chunk of ice falls from the sky

by Amanda Chin. Saturday, June 22nd 2019

TULLY. N.Y. (WSTM) — It’s an intriguing mystery in Tully, New York.

Yesterday at around 11:45 a.m., Rita Williams says she saw and heard a big chunk of ice fall from the sky on her way back from her walk.

Williams measured the hole. It was 29 inches wide and 5 inches deep, making the ice a bit larger than a soccer ball.7f4ab02e-c3e9-40fe-bc94-537122f4ada0-medium16x9_iceball

«I heard this very odd noise. It sounded almost like a firework, and it was a high pitch squealing song,» Williams said, «and I looked up and saw this enormous white ball fall through the clouds.»

Williams immediately looked around to see if anyone else had seen what just happened. It was difficult for her to believe what she just saw.

«Most of the people that I could see were looking down at their phones,» Williams said. «Everybody else had missed it, so that’s why I really wanted to take a picture because I didn’t think anyone else would believe me.»

Williams wonders if the ice fell from a plane, but she said there was something a bit unusual to her.

«The only thing that sort of confuses me is that the ice was so beautifully clean and clear,» said Williams. «I would think there would be some kind of residue from the plane and the ice, but who knows.»

Williams says that she’s determined to find out why this mystery chunk of ice landed right here.

The National Weather Service tells CNY Central that they don’t know if the ice came from a plane, but have no reason to believe it was weather-related.

Fuente: NBC Montana

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